When you arrive at an event in the limousine, you turn everybody’s head. That’s a fact. But the service that the limo hire Limoagency is providing to you is what makes you satisfied. It is because of our untiring effort in providing satisfactory limousine hire services to the customers that when it comes to a limousine in Tewkesbury, Limoagency in Tewkesbury steals the show. Our limousine in Tewkesbury is done with class and panache that would measure up on every standard that you as a client might set.
Tewkesbury is a town on the confluence of River Severn and River Avon in Gloucestershire, England. It boasts of many historical places worth visit by tourists. For the modern-day public that is not interested in the historical architecture of artefacts, the town also has many places for recreation and the two rivers provide an ample amount of fun on the water.
To add icing to the cake to their celebrations, our customers in Tewkesbury want our limo services as we have the reputation of providing our customers with the best limo hire facility that could be provided. Occasions for which we cater to are limited only by your imagination but, as with everything else, there are some common occasions too. The most common occasions for which we provide our limousine services are weddings, birthdays, proms, corporate events, hen/stag nights plus many more.
We have the largest fleet of limo hires in Tewkesbury and its adjacent areas. Lincoln Stretched Limousine, Hummer limousine, BMW X5 limousine, Fire Engine limousine, and Party Bus limousine are some of the limousines that we provide. Our limousines are available in various colours including white for weddings, black, pink, yellow, orange, blue and silver so that we can provide you with the limo hire that would suit you the most.
With our limo service that caters to all your demands, you can celebrate your occasion to the fullest. Depending on your needs our limo hire services can also have, surround sound audio systems, minibars, mirrored ceilings, air-con, TVs, DVD, CD players and much more things all according to your demands.
It must be kept in mind to check that the limo is properly licensed. Depending on whether the limo is 8 passenger seat limo hire or a 9-16 passenger seat, a proper VOSA certificate must also be obtained by the company while hiring out a limo. For more information on limousine hire services or the types of vehicles that we provide, please call us or send in a booking limo hire request for a free no-obligation quotation.